If you've never heard of the game, I would suggest going to YouTube and look at a few videos.
Here is a trailer:
I had joined a corp and they wanted to get a list of all their player's assets. I created a PowerShell Script specifically for that purpose.
This one requires setting up your API key:
Skill Script:
This one shouldn't need any special permissions:
Sector Script:
The script above lists the solar systems along with some interest data. Kills, Warps, and Corporation Ownership.
To view all just use:
Since it is PowerShell you can harness the Pipeline to find quite spaces and put them in a CSV file:
$solarSystems.Values | %{if($_.ShipJumps -lt 3 -and $_.ShipKills -eq 0){$_}} | export-csv "your file path.csv"
If you decide you want to try it sign up for a free trial below:
Click on my Buddy link and sign up for a free trial: